wood, steel, plaster, salt.
The arm is serving, the crystal is bright and clear.
The tail has lost its body, or did it leave it on purpose?
It wonders if all the small crystals surrounding it are parts of the bigger one, or if the bigger one is a collection of the smaller ones.
All the time this question of where to begin.
It does not ask the arm this question. They are not that close yet.
The tail will continue its journey, but the arm has only one purpose.
When the crystal is served, it can get back to its nothingness and wait for a new tail to lose its body.
Photo: Niels Erhardsen
Photo: Niels Erhardsen
Photo: Niels Erhardsen
Photo: Niels Erhardsen
Photo: Niels Erhardsen
Photo: Niels Erhardsen
Photo: Niels Erhardsen
Photo: Niels Erhardsen
From group exhibition "Impermanence"
Thanks to Aia Sofia Coverley Turan
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