various objects, plaster.
A grave digger told me how he dug up old graves where degradable urns were used, and due to conditions in the soil and the decomposition process, the contents did not follow the container. This left casts of the ashes, as a perpetuated imprint of the deceased. There was something about this physical existence of something that should be gone forever, it started a fascination of personal needs to connect memories to objects and spaces in order to physicalize them and somehow perpetuate them and maintain the deceased in the present.
Once someone has passed away, the objects connected to them suddenly become more precious. These objects transforms into memorials, ensuring and immortalizing the memory of the deceased, being the physical symbol of their existence. Memories and remembrance are not simply reproductions of past events, they also consist of a high degree of construction - memories change over time and are highly affected by the present, so each depends on the other. The recollection and reconstruction of memories connected to objects and spaces is fragmented by the place between the physical and representations of the physical; by the present and memories, and what happens in-between.
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